VRX 9000: Sex Games / Battle Royale: Part 5(B)

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VRX 9000: Sex Games

The Winter Cabin: Multiplayer

Battle Royale: Part 5


Both Dana and Mindy gaze out into the kitchen and look around for a while and spot the couches trying to get a gauge on the situation. With only Amanda claiming two slaves the two realize that there are four other girls out there. After hearing a crash on the western side the two muse there are at least two girls over there, and after hearing the back door they assume there is at least one outside. Mindy suddenly remembers that is where Cameron dragged Melissa off to and tells Dana. The two think they might be able to take Cameron by themselves so the two sneak out into the kitchen then to the back door to peer out. Upon looking out the two spot Melissa tied to the hot tub with bits of snow covering her shivering.

In the mean time on the other side of the house Cameron finally enjoys herself enough to finish and rounds up all three of her new slaves to head back to Melissa. Cameron isn't really sure which girls she wants to keep, but having options is pretty awesome. She'll line the four girls up next to the hot tub and make a decision there.

When Cameron finally leads all three slaves out to the living room through the main hallway she freezes spotting Dana and Mindy holding two slaves behind them gazing back into the backyard. Cameron curses, realizing she won't be able to get to Melissa anymore. Getting to the couches to lock in will be tricky too, the girls will be able to intercept her fast enough and she won't get any time to choose her slaves. Before Cameron can decide what to do the two girls spot her and the three walk up to the couches with their slaves in a stand off.

Cameron immediately tries to defuse the situation, knowing that it is two vs one, but Dana keeps pushing the issue against her. Cameron offers to give Dana one of her slaves, as well as Melissa as a gift if the two will let her lock in on a couch. Mindy and Dana talk for a little bit in private but eventually agree. Mindy wants a little pay back on Melissa from using her earlier and Dana decides she'll take a free slave any day of the week, but with one condition. Dana demands that she gets to pick which slave she gets.

Not liking that, Cameron argues at first but eventually decides to do it not wanting to risk Mindy and Dana taking things into their own hands. Dana walks over, her amazing ass swaying back and forth as she comes over to look over Cameron's three slaves. Cameron for a moment wants to claim that amazing ass for herself, but thinks better of it. After a quick inspection, Dana eventually grabs Kinsey's collar and declares she is going to have some fun with her before she turns in. Cameron is happy with the choice and quickly moves onto a couch with Lena and Hillary and locks in. Meanwhile Mindy opens the back door and walks out dragging Alyssa behind her to have a little fun with Melissa.


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