"We should meet up and talk about your feelings later on,mmkay?"

From Create Your Own Story

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Revision as of 16:49, 18 June 2009

He smiles and nods.The bell then rings and you walk to your first period class,Math.When you get in the class room,you sit at seat waiting for your teacher,Mr. Shakabooboo.He finally walks in class when the late bell rings."Hello Class.Did you all do your assignment?"You hear the class mummble an answer.Then there's a knock on the door and an unknown student arrives.He wispers to Mr. Shakabooboo saying he's a new student."Well class,looks like we have a new student.His name is__________"

What's his name and what does he look like?

Marcus;5'7,African American(A.A),brown eyes and dark brown hair.

DJ;5'5,A.A and Caucasion,honey/hazel eyes and black hair

Jose;5'6,Mexican,brown eyes and hair

John;5'6 1/2,Caucasion,Blue eyes and blonde hair

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

Bookbag,Book about Violence,Peace sign stickers

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Female
Social Group {{{Social Group}}}
Boyfriend/Girlfriend {{{Boyfriend/Girlfriend}}}
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