Continue fucking Valerie without using your powers to take care of her

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You decide to just leave her be, to see many of your children she can carry before she pops. After all, with your children's demonic heritage, most of the more developed ones should survive any sort of ... accident that may occur.

The next day you race out first thing and drive to the pharmacy. A thought crosses your mind that it might seem weird for Brandon to be buying fertility drugs, but a tap to the cashier's mind with your powers is all it takes. Soon you're racing back home with 5 large bottles of baby-booster.

It's torture to wait to start fucking Valerie, but you know Brandon's parents are gong out again tonight, and the things you plan to do to her may induce some screaming.

They leave early, however, and you find Valerie sound some laundry. Her body is back to its former, shapely glory; she must have emptied herself of last night's cum. She's still in the same, cum-stained pajamas she always wears though; her motivation to do anything but her brother is rather low.

"Look what I got, Val," you say, holding up your prize.

She turns around and gasps. "You want me to take all of those?" Then, biting her lip, her hand already wandering to her crotch, "I seriously think this is a bad idea... I could have, like, 10 kids or something!"

Not bothering to correct that figure, you walk up to her and prod her box with your massive dick, working it through the slot in her pants. "Or more..."

"Oh, god..." she moans as you slide up and down her pussy with your head. "I'm gonna get so fucking pregnant..." Then she meets your face with hers for a bit before grabbing one of the bottles out of your hand. With no further ado, she begins gulping down as many as will fit in her hand at a time, swallowing the potent drugs as though they were her first meal in days. Without water, it takes some time though, and you're left standing aside with a rock-hard dick and swollen, aching balls.

You are possessing:
12th Grade Boy with large-apple-sized balls and a 12-inch cock
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