Time Vortex/Fiddle with the hands/1999/Ask her what is wrong

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"What's wrong, Mom?" you ask, quite alarmed.

"Oh my... Oh my... Well, it's just... you," she gasps. She looks at you as though she had seen a ghost.

"Of course it's me, Mom," you chuckle. "Who else could it be?"

"I thought you were... somebody else." She gapes at you even further, as though she couldn't believe her eyes. You lose your smile. And then, she approaches you, rather slowly, rather suspiciously, as though she were approaching a stranger. She continues to examine your face. "Why... Why, you look... different. But it really is you!" She laughs, seemingly unable to believe her eyes. She then rests her hand on top of your head. "You're so... tall... And you've got a different hairstyle too. When did you have your hair styled like this?"

"Uhh... a week ago? You and Dad even were with me when I had it done, at the mall." Why can't she remember? You feel very exasperated.

She seems to think back. "But one week ago, we were all overseas. We had just arrived yesterday, on your birthday."

"Overseas?" And then, you remember... you had gone overseas! And you had gone home on your birthday! But that had happened last year!

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