Go ahead and contact him.

From Create Your Own Story

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Glancing around the room you make sure that prying eyes aren't directly on you and with the growing hours it seems that only you, Nya and the librarian are left here. Working quickly you apply some skills you picked up with countless hours reading crap online, and while most of it was trash you did learn a few useful skills, such as changing your IP. While its nothing permanent if someone is viewing you or who your speaking to is the people you're trying to get away from it would be a good idea to send them on a wild goose chase.

Messing with the settings so that the information will be sent to another computer miles away you contact the person in a PM, of course you have to create an account but that only takes you a few seconds after making a fake E-mail.

You: Hi Giddyhunter, I saw a post you made a few months back about a strange symbol. I was wondering if you had any more information on it, it has peaked my curiosity. ....

You wait there about a minute before a response comes back from him

GH: Who are you? You just created this account. Are you one of them? I don't know anything about nothing man.

You sigh knowing that these types of people are the most difficult to deal with, those that are even more paranoid that yourself.

You: For all intensive purposes just call me Virgina. And yes I did just make this account for reasons I can't get into at the moment and as it is I don't have much time. As for one of them, I'm not sure of who you refer to. Here, I'm attaching an image.

Uploading the patch scan that you did earlier and send the PM, it takes a little longer from a response this time around.

GH: Well... fuck my ass. Is that real? Of course its real... how did- never mind, you're right you don't have much time. Look. This his higher than you, me, or anyone wants to deal with. Any interest you have just let it go.

You: I can't let it go, they won't let me go, metaphorically of course. They are after me and I have no idea as to why that is. I need to know who they are and what they do.

GH: Well... fuck your ass. You're fucked buddy.

You: Thanks, but can you actually tell me anything of use?

GH: Look man. This shit is crazy. Shit that came before us built the road to this. Cracked power, first of the first, the bank of winter, under her skirt, next to red, 4435. Help will be given to those who seek it

You: What? What does that mean?

You sit there for some time before you give up on him ever responding back to your question. Having spent enough time online you quickly figure out hes talking in riddles, something you hate but eventually understand them. Typing down the strange code on your phone you log out of the account and wipe all the information that you were on this computer.

Rubbing the wear from your eyes you stand up from the chair and go looking for Nya which doesn't take you all that long. Laying flat on her stomach on the floor with her legs tossed up behind her casually she is looking at a book, walking over and sitting down next to her you glance at it from over her shoulder. It's a kids book, the kind with large colorful pictures; you always found it odd that given what you could assume her age was her interests seemed focused on such childish things... but... you wonder if she actually had a real childhood.

Placing your hand on her back you slowly rub her shoulders making a low purr come from her throat. You wish your life could be as simple as this, just these small moments where the two of you are together and there is no rush, no suffering lingering in the shadows... sadly its not the life you can led yet.

"Can you read that?" You ask after a few minutes of rubbing her back.

"Nyaaaa." She lifts her hand as lines it from one side to the other.

"Sort of.... Would you like me to read it to you?" You offer.

Turning her head towards you she smiles brightly but not before the librarian comes along.

"I'm sorry but we are closing in a few minutes. You can check out the book... if you want." You noticed the pause in her words as she saw the children's book that Nya had.

"Oh... well we aren't from around here...." You say disappointed, you can feel it even worse in Nya as the small shifting of her tail against your head tells you all you need to know.

"Oh. It seems a little out of her age group." The librarian questions.

Standing up you lean towards the librarian and whisper in her ear.

"She is learning disabled, she has issues reading even something as simple as this." You lie about the first part knowing that Nya is bright but haven't been given the chance to learn accurately .

"I see." The librarians eyes fall onto to Nya as if she was in deep thought.

"We do have plenty of books... why don't you go ahead and keep that one. If it will help her then spread the greatness that is reading." Puffing her chest out as if she saving a life she grants you the book for free; eyes brightening up Nya jumps up from the floor with a small squeal.

Back at the hotel you find yourself on the balcony taking some time to think as Nya is watching T.v in the main room. With a cigarette in your mouth and your phone in your hands you've spent the last hour reading the copied riddle over and over but with no luck as of yet. Without knowing if someone was watching its unsure if your on a real timer to figure this one out but you feel rushed none the less which doesn't help your stress level much.

"Cracked power, first of the first, the bank of winter, under her skirt, next to red, 4435.... I think... 4435 is an address or at least part of one... but what does the rest mean... is it a place, or is it directions to a place? No... it has to be the first on but-"

"Nya?" Glancing over to the sliding door Nya stood there with the small kids book in her hand as she grazed the ground with her foot.

"You want me to read to you?"


Without word Nya crawls into your lap and adjusts herself into your warm chest, finding a place of comfort you wrap an arm around her and open up the book. Its an easy read, but then again it is a kids book but Nya seems to enjoy it. Reading slowly and point at the pictures Nya seemed wrapped deeply into the story even though her tiny yawns are getting to her.

The story goes that a young caterpillar is separated from its family when a flood comes into their town, normally he would just swim across but its in the winter and the water is just to cold. Making friends with some of bugs he manages to make a little boat and eventually gets back to his family. After about 20 minutes the story book ends, it could have taken you about 2 minutes to skim through it but Nya liked the slow way rather than the long one.

"Fin." You joke as you close the book but its mostly for your own benefit since your sure Nya has no idea of what your saying.

"Did you like it?"

"Nya...." She rubs her head against your chest with a small purr.

"Ya I know." You rub her head softly and gaze out across the stars, tomorrow will be another busy day... but where will you start. You don't know where the guy is yet, and you still need try and get your money.

Do you:

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