Rush the larger figure?

From Create Your Own Story

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Current revision as of 08:32, 16 May 2015

Fuck standing around and waiting for something else to happen, someone is in danger and you need to act on it. Without second thought you rush forward trying to gain as much speed as you can; pocket knife held in hand it gleams off the mid light from the street.

"What the-"

The larger figure calls out as he sees you rushing towards him, flailing knife in hand. With so little time to react you manage to give the figure a clean swipe across his shielding arm as it rose but it was shallow, enough to draw blood but not enough to render him helpless. The man cries out in pain as the huddling figure below whimpers and cries under its shallow breath; so much happened so quickly that you don't even remember the large figure running away. It took two more hits with your knife to fend him off but he was gone now... you stand there, hands shaking, unable to believe what you just did... but it was over now.

Placing the knife back into your back pocket you give a sigh of relief, tryin to shake the nerves away you focus your attention on the still whimpering figure below.

"It's alright, he's gone now." You try to use your most calm voice but it seems to do little for the sobbing person.

In the dark alley way its hard to make out the details of the persons and with the hood over their head it makes it all the harder.

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