Go check on Bayley?

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Hiding the power cable in a shelf in the hallway you shrug at the hiding spot, it won't take Rose long to find it but at least you have a break from the blasting music, worse come to worse you can just pull the plug once again. Sighing you head down the hall way too Bayley's room, the front of the white door holds a few crudely draw picture that she has done herself. Looking them over you notice a few of your sisters including one of yourself, its pretty badly drawn, shaking your head with a chuckle you press the door open slowly and look inside. Laying with only a large shirt on her body on her bed it looks as though she's out of the night, as young as she is it a little past her bed time so you're not surprised.

As you look closer you take notice that the shirt she is wearing is one of yours, you thought you had put it in the wash but it looks like she had gotten too it before you could have, though you don't know why she took it, even as cold as it is she has more than enough blankets stacked at the end of the bed to more than cover her.

Do you:

Go see Nicole?

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