Wdyw/let it go

From Create Your Own Story

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Robandkil (Talk | contribs)
(Created page with 'You really do want to know why the boss would act that way, but you would rather not risk your job over your childish curiosity. You let the sleeping dogs lie and go on with the …')

Current revision as of 06:50, 25 December 2012

You really do want to know why the boss would act that way, but you would rather not risk your job over your childish curiosity. You let the sleeping dogs lie and go on with the project. You finish the game after months and months of tedious work. It is released to world-wide attention and praise. The company is back on top thanks to you and the boss promotes you to VP. You get invited to great parties and meet very interesting people. You are still single, but thats okay right now. You don't want to rush anything and your work is your primary focus at the moment. The money is flowing in and you move into a nice penthouse apartment in an up and coming neighborhood in your city. You work on some new game projects, but none really pique your interest, so you start working more on the business side of things.

A year after your big success with the game, you are sitting at home after work watching the news when a story flashes across the screen. Your boss's face is right there and its a mugshot. You turn up the volume and hear he has been arrested with child pornography charges. Say what now?? Apparently, his computer was full of illicit shots of young girls and boys and his home had albums of these disturbing pictures. Now you know what was in that folder. You could have turned him in, you should have looked. At least he got what was coming to him, but what about the company?

Stocks immediately plummet and public opinion drops to almost nothing. This has ruined everything. All games created by your company are being pulled from shelves because people keep throwing them straight in the garbage. Your boss's mistakes have destroyed a billion dollar business even though he was only a small reason for its large success. The company is forced to declare bankruptcy and shut down. You lose your retirement fund and everything else. You have enough in your savings to support yourself for a couple of years, but you need a new job. You luck out and another successful gaming company picks you up. You make a median salary and are back on the totem pole, at least not on the bottom though. You stay with this new company for the remainder of your career and work your way up to the top. Your retirement fund isn't great but it will do. At 55, you met a wonderful woman who became your wife. You never had kids but thats fine by you. You die at 78 from heart failure.

back to beginning: What Do You Want To Do?

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