Wdyw/Buy 10,000 lottery tickets

From Create Your Own Story

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Current revision as of 23:13, 23 December 2012

Your only hope is the slim chance you win the $250 million jackpot. You buy 10,000 lottery tickets and return home. You talk to your wife about what just happened and she is in utter disbelief. Your kids are still too young to understand, so you just tell them that you may not see them for a long time. The lottery winners will be announced the following night, so you just wait. Your wife sits with you in silence since there is nothing to say at this point. Your entire life is riding on the random drawing of numbers and there is nothing you can do to change that fact.

The night comes and you turn on the television to hear the numbers. You write down 23, 26, 31, 44, 72 and start the tedious process of checking every ticket. Your wife offers to help, but this is something you have to do yourself. You have 6 days, but you don't think it will take that long. You have gone through 100 tickets and have a few winners adding up to about $10,000 but no jackpot yet. Your eyes become fatigued from staring at number after number but you keep going. Twenty hours later, you have gone through every ticket.

You didn't win. Somehow, you didn't win. It seems impossible, but all the evidence is right in front of you. You toss the table and let out a soul crushing scream to the heavens. It is truly over. You turn yourself into the police where they remove your tracker and give you a plane ticket. You are being deported back to the states to serve your time there. You have a final goodbye to your family and that is it. You wait in the interrogation room and soon they walk in. Tina is as beautiful as when you first met and your kids stare at you with sadness written all over there young faces. You tell them you will be back as soon as you are able to and not to forget you. With that, you are pulled out of the room and put on a plane and leave behind the life you knew.

You arrive at the prison in Colorado and fall into a depression. After two years, life just loses it meaning. You can kill yourself or try to get released early, knowing that it is very unlikely.

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