"I'm ready for you daddy," and give him your little boy ass.

From Create Your Own Story

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That intimidating grin spreads over Mac's face, and he reaches down and puts one big hand under your arm, tugging you up to your feet. Once you're standing, hands still bound behind you, the big man pulls his sleeveless shirt over his head, revealing a wide chest and thick body that's covered with thick dark hair. The scent of him, already present in the room, grows stronger. He takes the back of your head in one hand, clenching his fist in your hair, and shoves your face between his meaty pecs, and you instinctively lick at the sweat gathered there among the hair. His other hand slides down your back, and two of this thick fingers push into your tight pucker, making you grunt into his chest with surprise. The thick hair is rough against your lips.

"Oh boy, daddy is going to break you for other men," the big man's voice is a low growl, and you shiver against him, helpless and more turned on than you've ever been. The man's horsecock is hard against your stomach, and his fingers start to twist in your hole until you yelp.

He laughs, tugging on your hair to make you arch your back away from him and lowers his mouth to your neck. Your mouth falls open in a breathless mix of agony and ecstasy as Mac begins licking and biting at your neck, leaving painful, raised welts. Your rock hard dick rubs deliciously against the kinky black fur covering the older man's thick thighs. With an abruptness, he stops, pulls his fingers from your ass, and lets go of your hair. You nearly stumble, but the big man grabs your shoulders and turns you around, until you're facing the large mirror over the hotel room desk.

You see your own reflection as Mac does something behind you and your wrists are freed. The freedom lasts only a moment, though, as the big man bends back down to his pack again, and then rises close behind you, taking first your right hand, then your left and retying them - each wrist tied through the handle of the furthest drawer on either side of the desk in front of the mirror. You have no choice but to crouch a bit, and lean forward slightly as the big man pushes up behind you, his thick cock hot and hard against the small of your back. You look in the glass, and meet his eyes over your head.

You get a glimpse of the large, hairy stud - his body is shining a little with sweat under the hair, and his thick arms and muscular neck are reddening as his arousal grows. The look of possessiveness in his eyes is almost terrifying, but tied up at his mercy you can't help but admit you've never been so turned on in your life - the way he's manhandling you, the feel his rough fingers left behind in your sore hole, the bites on your neck... it's incredble. The man's scarred face cracks a smile that's mostly a leer.

"Daddy thinks you like the rough stuff, don't you boy?" Mac growls.

You nod, scared of your own answer.

Mac slaps your ass, hard. You cry out in surprise.

"Yes, daddy," he snarls.

"Yes, daddy!"

He nods, frowning. "You're too loud, little boy..." He looks around, then lifts one leg, and unrolls his sock. A moment later he shoves the end of it in your mouth, forcing the sweaty cloth into your mouth. You grunt in surprise, but he just laughs.

A moment later his rough hands snake between your thighs and he pulls your legs further apart, pressing against you. You look in the mirror, and see him look down, a small curl of a smile on his lips as his hands move and you feel the man's thick cockhead press against your pucker, wet only with the remnants of your saliva and the man's precome. Your eyes widen, and you make a noise into the sock just as Mac shifts his grip to your waist and rams every inch of his massive horsedick up your ass.

Your arms scrabble for a grip against the desk as your body almost collapses, but Mac's hands grip your waist so tight you can't fall. You hold on for dear life and bellow into the sock with the sudden violent entry of his massive meat. The heat and pain of his cock buried so far inside you makes you lightheaded. Your voice is loud, even with the sock muffling the words.

Mac presses one sweaty hand across your mouth.

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up." He growls, each word punctuated by another full piston fuck from his meat. Your ass is on fire, and you whimper and moan behind his hand. Tears stream from your eyes, and your ass clenches and spasms on his meat. As the man continues to brutally sodomize your hole, your legs shake, and soon you're leaning over the desk, shaking as each thrust pushes you harder and harder against it. You glance in the mirror, and see the man grinning at your reflection. When he sees you see him, his hands slide up to your shoulders, and he shoves you down, hard, onto the desktop, raising your ass just slightly and making you stand on your tiptoes. His dick slams into you, over and over, shoving inside your body deeper than anything you've ever taken.

"Fucking whore, aren'tcha, boy?" Mac is growling his abuse at you. "Just daddy's fucking whore!"

The words tip you over the edge, and you feel your cock erupt as your load spreads onto the desktop beneath you.

Mac snarls, and slaps your ass, hard, his dick buried deep. "Did daddy tell you you could come, boy?"

You shake your head, making noises into the sock.

Mac pulls out of your ass - you can feel your pucker distend as the thick horsecock is removed - and you whimper. He unties your wrists, drags you to your feet and turns you around. He slaps your face, then spits on you.

"You don't come without Daddy's permission, or daddy will slap your boy face right off, you got it?"

You nod - insanely, your cock bobs. You love this. You love the way he's treating you.

"Fucking whore," he growls at you, and then he shoves your chest against the wall and rams his cock back in your ass with a violent thrust that makes you see stars.

For an hour, it seems, the deranged prison guard batters your hole. He fucks you against every wall in the hotel room, and on the the chest of drawers as well. His furry body is soaked and slick with sweat. The room fills with his heat and his body odor. The smell is unbelievable - like a wild animal!

You've already shot three loads - every time you come before him, he slaps you a little harder. Your cheek is red and burning, but each time you come you can't help it. He rips his dick out of you and throws you onto the bed. You moan with need, feeling your ass unfold around the absence of his meat, and as you struggle to get up, he shoves you hard, rolling you onto your stomach, and a moment later he has pulled one of the plastic strips from his belt and rebound your wrists again, tight.

"Always wanted to use one of the boys in my cell block," he laughs, panting for breath and sweat dripping from his hairy body onto yours. When you turn to look, you see he has picked up his prison guard baton. You bite down hard on the sock he shoved into your mouth. After that, he sodomizes your ass with the police guard baton for nearly half an hour, twisting and pushing it in and out of your hole in rapid thrusts that make you buck against the blanket and whimper and writhe for him. When you come again, he rolls you over and slaps your face a fourth time.

Then, as promised, he lifts your legs onto his sweat-slick hairy shoulders, and he pumps his hot seed deep in your guts. Mac cums like a gorilla - huffing and puffing and grunting as he thoroughly inseminates you.

After he cums, the big ugly hunk is surprisingly tender. He undoes your wrist restraints and pulls you into the hotel bed with him him. Mac's rubbery dick is softening, yet it's still crammed up your ass. He wraps you in his big arms and pulls you into his chest. You nestle your face against the humid blanket of fur and sigh.

"I think Daddy's fallin' in love, boy..." The man mumbles before falling asleep. His thunderous snores fill the room.

Against your better judgment, you realize Mac just might be the man of your dreams. Who knows what the future will hold?

Best Birthday Ever.

(The End - please send feedback to barratboy@yahoo.ca)

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