Pathfinder Adventure

From Create Your Own Story

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Allies: None (you will get some)
Allies: None (you will get some)
Category: Pathfinder
[[Category: Pathfinder]]

Current revision as of 16:33, 23 January 2013

Hello, and welcome to my very first story! I'm a big fan of pathfinder, and i play it two times a week. Well, I hope it's okay, but you(the main character) will be a human fighter. But if you'd like, just put on another option with the class/race of your new character, and feel free to ask me for help about pathfinder rules or creating a new story. Good luck!

Pathfinder: Raxus A human fighter who is very confident, and is a quite classic hero. STATS: Str +2 Dex 0 Int -2 Wis 0 Con +2 Cha -1 Weapons: longsword +3 (1d8+2) +1 Composite Longbow +1 (1d8+1) Armor: Chainmail Allies: None (you will get some)

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