Juan Ramos de Zaragoza

From Circle Of The Crone

  • Name: Juan Ramos de Zaragoza
  • Player: Rudy I. Fuentez
  • Clan: Mekhet
  • Covenant: Circle of the Crone
  • Positions: Hierophant of Modesto and Stanislaus County
  • Ciy Positions: Current Seneschal of Modesto as well as former Deputy and Hound
  • Location: Modesto and San Francisco, California
  • Status Approval Number: #USA-SW-LA-0510-47317




Juan Ramos de Zaragoza or Johnny Ramos (as he is often called) appears to be a grizzled veteran of the Danse Macabre. He has seen and done many things in his existence, much of them very bad. As such he often appears somewhat distant, cold and withdrawn. He has dark brown eyes that appear both withdrawn and smoldering, what one might refer to as the “mile-long-stare.”

Public Covenant Synopsis

Juan Ramos de Zaragoza is known to be the eldest of Khenemethoth's children. Naturally this would also make him the elder brother of Daria (Dasha) Nazarova of the Lancea Sanctum. And although he does not publicly offer the date of his embrace, it is rumored by many to have been several centuries ago. Ramos is of both Spanish and Egyptian decent.

Juan Ramos de Zaragoza is a well known member of the Circle of the Crone. However, if one were to ask, he would offer that although he has been identified as a member of the “Circle” he is in fact a member of an even more ancient order known as the Order of Ma’at. Of which his Sire is also a part of. By his own word, Ramos’s primary purpose for existence is to maintain the balance. Whether it is to serve as the shepard or to cull the herd like a wolf, Ramos believes that the fragile balance of life and death must be maintained. Above all, Ramos is known to view life in very “black and white” terms. He most certainly believes that the ends justifies the means. Oddly enough though, Ramos is known to be both uncommonly honest and direct.

The other most notable fact regarding Juan Ramos de Zaragoza is that he is considered to be a formidable warrior. Many believe his prowess with firearms to be unmatched. Nonetheless, rumors abound that he is even more lethal in the uses of the dreaded blood magic known as “Cruac.” And although he may be slow to ire, once provoked his ferocity is said to be unrivaled.

Juan Ramos de Zaragoza first appeared in the "modern era" in San Francisco, California in September of 1949. Ramos was accompanied by several members of his Order, most notably Paul Seker of the Nosferatu and Halima Chapel of the Gangrel. During this time period the trio assisted Khenemethoth in his workings. Ramos himself agreed to serve as deputy and on occasion a Hound. By November of 1951, Ramos, Seker and Chapel all departed San Francisco for Modesto, California, to assist in the hunting and eventually destruction of the mad Daeva, known as Dr. Luis Gasquet, “The Dark Father.”

To this night Ramos is a resident of Modesto and frequent visitor and supporter of San Francisco. He is currently known to be the Hierophant of Modesto and Stanislaus County as well as the Seneschal to Prince Roland James Hawthorne III of the Invictus.

Public Clan Synopsis

Ramos reputation within the Mekhet has been increasing in these most years (OOC: Mekhet Status: 2). One might assume this is primarily due to his close association with his sire, Khenemethoth, the progenitor of a very well known lineage of Mekhet. However in these most recent decades and years Ramos has also been seen in the company of and/or in close association with other notable Shadows as Xavier Ryan Ellison of the Ordo Dracul, Nicholas Ebon III, Invictus Prince of St. Louis, Missouri and the mysterious David Walker of the Ordo Dracul. When asked about his association with Ellison and Ebon, Ramos has offered that they were “Brothers in Arms” during the Spanish Civil War and bore witness to the Bombing of Guernica (In the early part of the 20th Century).


  • Sire: Khenemethoth - Played by Adam Phelps
  • Juan Ramos de Zaragoza - Played by Rudy I. Fuentez
  • Childer: Siobahn Mc Kinnon – Played by Yvonne F. Hamilton
  • Childer: E. “Ezekial” Braddock (Deceased) – Played by Hollis McCray
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