Alternative Freaks

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This show doesn't infringe on copyrights, and that's why it sucks!

The Real Rubyrulez Episode #2

Munchy purchases tickets to see a popular alternative rock band, only to find out that he had been duped.

Cast (in order of appearance): Rubyrulez, Munchy, Pacman and Clyde, Con

Places: Ruby's House, Sonnet Town Colliseum

Page title: deviantART: TRR - Episode 2 by *rubyrulez

Running time: 4:55

Date: June 19th, 2005



{WARNING! This episode contains a ton of lame "That's what she said last night" jokes. Viewer Discretion is advised.}

RUBYRULEZ: WARNING! This episode contains a ton of lame "That's what she said last night" jokes. Viewer Discretion is advised.

{Screen fades to black. Cut to a shot of Ruby's House. After the music ends, cut to a shot of Ruby in his kitchen.}

RUBYRULEZ: Yum, Ham for breakfast!

MUNCHY: I knew it!

{Roll Opening Credits}

{Cut to an outside shot of Ruby's House on the side. After the music ends, cut to Ruby sitting at his table}

RUBYRULEZ: Bills, Bills, Bills! Is there an end to the never ending abuse


RUBYRULEZ: Man, that question was redundant!

{Canned Laughter}

RUBYRULEZ: And would somebody tell that audience to shut the hell up?!

{A gunshot can be heard. Pause}


{Cut to a shot of Munchy, entering the house.}

MUNCHY: {excited} I can't believe I was able to get these!

RUBYRULEZ: Get what? And how did you get in here?

MUNCHY: {Quickly}Window…{Brief Pause} Anyway, this nice gentleman in a suit sold me two tickets to see the popular alternative band PoodleHouse at Sonnet Town Colliseum!

RUBYRULEZ: {Excitedly} I love PoodleHouse! {pause, then curiously} Who the hell is PoodleHouse?

MUNCHY: You are the lamest person on earth! PoodleHouse is a very cool alternative rock band, they released {The number 10 appears above his head}10 albums in one year! How’s that for impressive?

{The number 10 is crossed out in red, and to the side it reads "More Like 3."}

RUBYRULEZ: Impressive? That’s flat out impossible!

MUNCHY: They got it done…

RUBYRULEZ: That’s what Lisa said last night…

{Cut to a shot of an angry Munchy}

RUBYRULEZ: Relax, that’s just for your Ham prank last time.

MUNCHY: Yeah, you need to get over that.

RUBYRULEZ: You know, I remember Lisa…

MUNCHY: (Angry) She did not say that last night! If I recall, she said “noodles”

{The applause sign begins to blink}

RUBYRULEZ: Just go home man, and get ready for your concert.

{Cut to the Sonnet Town Colliseum. Ruby and Munchy are standing near the Box Office.}

RUBYRULEZ: Munchy, did you notice something weird with those tickets?


{Cut to a shot of the tickets in Munchy's hand. They are blank.}

RUBYRULEZ: The tickets are blank!


RUBYRULEZ: So…how do you know we’re gonna see PoodleHouse?

MUNCHY: Well, this series is not one to infringe on copyrights.

{After Munchy says this, PacMan and a red Ghost walk across the screen behind them.}

RUBYRULEZ: Definitely not, and that’s why we’re gonna see a completely original band, and not some band that would land us a lawsuit!

MUNCHY: And that is how the world works!

{Cut to the inside of the colliseum. There is a stage set up on the field. A man in a suit walks out on stage.}

RUBYRULEZ: Ok, what the hell?

MUNCHY: Is this a concert?

RUBYRULEZ: More like a funeral…Live!

{Cut to the guy on stage. He stands near a poster that says Poetry in Motion Live.}

MAN IN SUIT: Ladies and Gentlemen, I’d like to welcome you all to “Poetry in Motion” Live!

MUNCHY: Oh hell no!

{The words Hell No appear on screen}

RUBYRULEZ: Good job genius! You got tickets to “Poetry in Motion”

MUNCHY: This is a copyright infringement! The guy that sold them to me is dead!

RUBYRULEZ: Who would that be?

MUNCHY: Some guy named Con!

RUBYRULEZ: I say we pay this guy Con a visit!

{Cut to a shot of PacMan, standing near Ruby}

PACMAN: I say you shut the hell up!

{Blank Screen}

{Cut to various shots of the outside of an office building, as well as Con's office door. Ruby looks angrily into the office.}

RUBYRULEZ: We want a word with you!

{Cut to a shot of Con, sitting at his desk. The wall behind him is white, with a picture of abearded man on the wall. It is labeled "Happy".}

CON: I’ve never seen you before in my life, but act now and you get a free toilet brush with every purchase.

RUBYRULEZ: You sold my friend here tickets to “Poetry in Motion”, and told him they were for a PoodleHouse Concert!

{Cut back to Con. He is now angry, the wall behind him is now red, and the picture is now also angry, and the label has changed to "Anger".}

CON: Did you get to meet the copyright infringement group, now the creator gets hit with the lawsuits. Act now and you get…

RUBYRULEZ: You know, that’s what Lisa said last night…for real.

MUNCHY: I don’t care, just beat his brains in.

{Ruby and Munchy begin to sneak toward Con's desk. Just as they're about to beat him, the screen goes blue, with the message "Due to legal issues with copyrights and other stuff, this episode will be cut short."}

MUNCHY: Boooooooo! I wanted a fight scene!

RUBYRULEZ: It’s for the best.

MUNCHY: That’s what Georgia told me last night…

RUBYRULEZ: Do us all a favor, and shut your face!

{Roll End Credits}

Fun Facts


  • This episode marks the first appearances of Munchy and Con
  • The studio audience is eliminated in this episode due to unpopularity amongst test audiences.
  • It is revealed that the name of the town Ruby and gang live in is called Sonnet Town.


  • This episode was refereneced the most in future episodes.

Inside References

  • "That's for your Ham Prank last time."
    • Rubyrulez is referring to The Ham Short
      • It is also revealed that Munchy was the voice on the phone, pulling the prank.

Real World References

  • The blinking applause sign can be found in most TV studios, and is used to mark where the audience must applaud.
  • Pacman and the Ghost are taken from Namco's popular arcade game, Pac-Man.
    • The credits also give credit to Namco.
  • Poetry in Motion is real, however, they put up posters on MTA subways and busses, rather than touring and putting on live poetry readings.
  • A Sonnet is a type of poetry, which is a play on this episode.

Fast Forward

  • Sonnet Town Colliseum is later refered to as GreenSeats Colliseum, because the seats in the Colliseum are green.

Episode Description

Munchy has purchased tickets from a business man named con to see the hottest Alternative Rock band ever. He and ruby arrive at the venue to recieve the biggest shock ever!

Code:A102 - TRRS1E2

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