When the Stains Come Marching In

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I look good in a suit.

The Real Rubyrulez Episode #3

The episode of TRR is too bad, so it is canned. Instead, very random clips are shown.

Cast (in order of appearance): Rubyrulez, Con, Random Man and Woman, The Countryvale Hillbilly, Joel, Phil, Munchy, Rex

Places: Cheap Junk Mart, Crappy Animation HQ, Countryvale, Phil's House, Ruby's House

Page title: deviantART: TRR - Episode 3 by ~rubyrulez

Running time: 7:14

Date: August 18th, 2005



{Roll opening credits}

{Cut to a shot of the Cheap Junk Mart. After the music stops, cut to a shot of Ruby, holding a grapefruit}

RUBYRULEZ: Wow, that is one hell of a grapefruit!

{We interrupt this program to bring you a special bulliten from Crappy Animation Studios.}

ANNOUNCER: We interrupt this program to bring you a special bulliten from Crappy Animation Studios.

{Cut to a shot of Ruby, dressed in a suit, inside the Crappy Animation Studios HQ}

RUBYRULEZ: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. You're probably wondering what happened to tonights The Real Rubyrulez episode. Well, unfortunately tonights episode will not be seen. {Cut to Ruby standing next to a TV with "TRR 3" on the screen.} The reasoning behind our decision not to show tonights episode is actually, rather simple. {The TV screen changes to a Thumbs up.} You see, at the time this episode was made, we thought is was cool and all, but the test audiences thought otherwise, {TV screen changes to a frowning face} they thought the animation was too crappy and the storyline was just crap. So, instead of that episode we're going to show you this.

{Cut to Rubyrulez, standing against a blank wall}

RUBYRULEZ: Well anyway, we hope you enjoy The Real Rubyrulez's first RANDOM ACTION EPISODE! {As he says Random action episode, the words appear above his head, and his voice echoes.}

{Cut to Con with a black eye.}

CON: You know I will!

Cut back to an angry Rubyrulez}

RUBYRULEZ: Shut up Con, noone cares what you think! Roll Film!

{Cut to a blank screen with the words "Film Rolling" blinking on it. Cut to 2 random people}

RANDOM MAN: Dare I ask how random we can be?

RANDOM WOMAN: No, don't even bother to ask!

{Cut to the Film Rolling screen. Cut to a shot of Countryvale.}

COUNTRYVALE HILLBILLY: Ah yes, welcome to Countryvale! {Cut to the Countryvale Hillbilly's house.} The one place where you can, I dunno, do stuff. {Cut to the Countryvale Hillbilly.} Stuff like, you know, stuff! Just regular ol' stuff, a-anyway, this is where I live, Countryvale. It's nice and bright and beautiful.

{Cut to a shot of the house. The hillbilly's wife is standing in the door.}

WIFE: Are ya gonna take out the trash soon, or what?!

{Cut to a shot of the house, and then the Town of Countryvale.}

COUNTRYVALE HILLBILLY: You know what, Countryvale actually SUCKS! I need to get the hell out of here before this ugly wife of mine continues to nag and nag and nag until I can't take any more! Um, you'll have to move on to the next random skit, I'm out of here! Later days!

{Cut to the Film Rolling screen. Cut to a shot of Phil's House while part of the Bonus STage Theme plays. Cut to Phil's Kitchen. Phil is sitting at the table, reading the newspaper, while Joel stands there.}

JOEL: Hey Phil! You'll never believe what I just bought!

PHIL: You don't know my range of belief! Challenge me!

{Cut to a shot of the BS Rubyrulez}

JOEL: I brought home this person!

RUBYRULEZ: Um... hello.

{Cut to a shot of Phil}

PHIL: Y...You're right, I really can't believe that you brought this home.

{Cut to a shot of Joel and Ruby}

JOEL: Um, can we keep him? I'm gonna name him Ben...Ben Affleck!

RUBYRULEZ: But I already have a...

{Joel and Ruby's eyes grow wide. Joel gets angry}

JOEL: {angrily} BEN AFFLECK!

{Cut back to Phil}

PHIL: Ummm, you name him whatever you want. I want nothing to do with this. I'm gonna go...away...now.

{Cut to a screen that reads "The End (Or is it?)" While a part of the Bonus Stage credits plays. Cut to the Film Rolling screen before cutting back to Ruby in the CAS HQ< near the TV, which is now switched off.}

RUBYRULEZ: Well, that was interesting! A lot better than the original crap we had lined up for ya! And now, we're going to give you a look into the past, our past! {He laughs evilly, poorly} I'm evil!

{Cut to the Film Rolling screen. Cut to TRR Trailer.}

{Blank Screen}

{Cut to a shot of the CAS HQ. After the music stops, cut to the logo for "Lame Jeopardy. The Jeopardy theme plays in the background.}

ANNOUNCER: This...is...Jeopardy! And now, the host of Jeopardy...um...where the hell is Alex? {pause} Oh, oooooooh...and now the host of Jeopardy, Ruby...Rulez! {Pronounced Riles}

{Cut to Rubyrulez, standing behind the hosts podium.}

RUBYRULEZ: Hello everyone, and welcome to Jeopardy! We've got quite a game lined up for you today. Let's take a look at the contestants!

{Cut over to the contestants podiums to reveal that there aren't any contestants. The Jeopardy theme starts up again.}

RUBYRULEZ: Well, whadda ya know, there are...no...contestants...{Cut back to Ruby} Um...I guess that's the show. Well, we'll see you next time on Jeopardy!

{Cut back to the lame Jeopardy logo. Once the theme stops, cut to the Film Rolling screen. Cut back to Ruby in the CAS HQ. He is laughing.}

RUBYRULEZ: I don't know why I was just laughing, but anyway let's give you one more look into the past. Roll film!

{Cut to the Film Rolling screen. Cut to Ruby, standing in a life-like room.}

RUBYRULEZ: {slowly} Chicken...or...Beef...

{Canned Laughter}

{Cut to the Film Rolling screen. Cut back to Ruby in the CAS HQ.}

RUBYRULEZ: Wow, that was interesting, wasn't it? Anyway, that's all the randomness we have for today. Join us next time, when we get even more random! And now, we bring you backto the original TRR episode, already in progress. See ya later!

{Cut to a shot of Ruby's House. When the music stops, cut to the Living Room with Ruby, Munchy and Rex.}

MUNCHY: Hey, guess what, my horrific stain induced nightmare is over!

RUBYRULEZ: You're a moron!

{Roll end credits}

Fun Facts


  • The song used for the credits is "Green Day - Minority", in place of the usual "Saves the Day" music.
  • End Credits Quote - "Remember the Random-amo"
  • All voices for this episode were done by Me
  • Guest Starring: Joel Dawson and Phil Argus, The Countryvale Hillbilly, His Ugly Wife.
  • Special Thanks To: NYPD and FDNY and EMS, Matt Wilson, My Left Hand.
  • This episode is the first episode to be favorited on Deviantart.


  • The Jeopardy announcer pronounces Rubyrulez as Ruby-riles instead of Ruby-rules
  • A very tiny piece of the CAS logo can still be seen at the top of the screen during the scenes where Ruby is standing near the TV.

Inside References

  • Con has a black eye in this episode. He obtained it after being beaten up in Alternative Freaks.
  • The two looks into the past are the TRR Trailer (distributed prior to the series launch, created even before The Ham Short), and the "Chicken or Beef Lip Synch Test", which was created before that.
  • So far, the Crappy Animation Studios logo has appeared in all 3 TRR episodes. Try to find them!

Real World References

  • List of Random Clips: 2 Random People, Countryvale, Failed Bonus Stage Fan Film, TRR Trailer, Lame Jeopardy, Chicken or Beef Lip Synch Test.
  • The plot for the Bonus Stage skit was taken from the episode "Cursory Glance"
    • Rubyrulez also appears in his Bonus Stage form.
  • Lame Jeopardy is a ripoff of Jeopardy.
  • "Remember the Random-amo" is a reference to the popular quote "Remember the Alamo"

Episode Description

Rubyrulez hosts a night of Randomness after the latest TRR episode fails in the testing stage.

Code:A103 - TRRS1E3

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