Walk up to him like a strong sexy young Woman

From Create Your Own Story

In your most confident and girly walk (You'd been practicing the high heel walk, girly mannerisms and voice while waiting for your nails to dry) you stroll up to your stunned Father and plant a passionate kiss on his lips as Channelle whoops in the background. As you pull away He's about to say "Jos.." but you put your painted index fingernail to his lips and in your well practiced girly voice "No baby, It's Amy. We're gonna go dancin', you're gonna show me a great time then your gonna fuck my sweet ass till the sun rises" you say sharply as you seductively bite your lip. You've embrace you're feminine side quicker than even he thought you could and your about as turned on by you as he is.

You are:
Josh/Amy, age 18
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