Walk backwards to pull your dick out of the hat

From Create Your Own Story

This has all been rather stimulating, in a surreal sort of way, but you'd rather do your fucking with your penis in its normal place. You walk backwards and Penny lifts the hat up so you can see your dick sink back into it. Penny reaches an arm into the hat, up to her elbow. You feel her fingertips brush your cock, but you keep backing up until you're certain your dick is back in your pants, where it belongs.

"Aw, and here we were having so much fun," Penny says, smiling despite the disappointed tone in her voice. "Oh, well, why don't you go somewhere else and I'll get another volunteer. Okay?"

She doesn't wait for you to answer. She tosses something at you and smoke fills the air. You cough, sputter, rub your eyes, and when the smoke clears, you're standing in the street, in front of a dance academy. You quickly check your pants, and find that you dick is indeed there, and it's fully erect, ready for some action. Then you check the window of the dance academy. The blinds are drawn to prevent pervs like you from leering in at the dancers.

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Health Horny Location:

The Dance Studio

MP 0
Level 3
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