Try and negotiate a better deal and consider the offer
From Create Your Own Story
You scrunch your face up and look at mike. ‘No thanks we will pass we can’t just go with a stranger we met in a public park for $30, that’s crazy! ‘.
‘Yeah jakes right this is a little strange , plus we are worth more that $30’ Kevin giggles
‘We have no idea who You are. You could be an axe murderer for all we know’ You blurt out
Mike laughs and holds out a business card ‘here look at my card, for proof ’ he says.
‘How about $40each?’ Mike says with a shrug
‘Deal ! Count me in ‘ Kevin responds as he takes the busses card from mike and looks it over.
‘$50 each !’ You say confidently and with a grin on your face
Mike pauses for a moment and says ‘deal’