The normally bitchy class snob-queen, blonde Jessica
From Create Your Own Story
"Hello, Jessica," you say. The blonde is naked and her arms are manacled to the bed.
"Hi," she says in a surprisingly quiet voice. All the bitchiness and snobbiness seems to have vanished from her.
"I've been... training her," Mrs. Parsons says, freeing Jessica's arms. "Now, we're all going to daisy-chain. Which one of you wants to drink from my fountain of youth?"
- Eat out Mrs. Parsons while Jessica blows you and Mrs. Parsons licks Jessica's pussy
- Have Jessica eat out Mrs. Parsons while you eat out Jessica and have Mrs. Parsons blow you
Status Bar | ||
Health | 100 | Equipment:
None |
Status | {{{Status}}} | |
Gender | Male | |
Social Group | Rebel | |
Boyfriend/Girlfriend | Mrs. Parsons |