The Grand Arena / Activate Spell-Casting:(SG) and talk (3)
From Create Your Own Story
The Grand Arena
Quest 1: The Mazrim Cult
Deciding the best way to enter is if they let you in, you quickly active your ability spell casting and cast a suggestion spell to get these guards to let you in. They are just guards who are weak of mind so giving them a little magical push in the right direction seems like the best course of action. And it beats just blowing them to bits with your magic, that might get a little messy. Not to mention a little loud.
Spell-Casting: Suggestion Used.
Stepping into the light you wave your hand and cast suggestion on the two guards, using the suggestion that they should let you pass. It is just a minor spell which only produces a small blue flame in your hand for a second but anyone touched by the spell doesn't remember it. As you step forward the guard with the torch also steps forward. "Who are you? You can't be here. Leave at once or we'll have to get rid of you ourselves."
You just smile slightly. "Is that anyway to treat a respectable mage like myself? I don't think so. I think you should let me through."
The guard's brow creases as if something seems wrong. But when he looks up to you again he steps to the side. "Um... yeah. Yeah. Go on through." The other guard seems to be having a hard time with it too. He looks to the right guard then to you.
"No, wait. You can't... you can't come through." He mutters, as if unsure of himself.
You simply turn to him now. "Your fellow guard said I could go through. You should let me through as well. It only makes sense."
The guard just blinks a few times, brow creasing again, before stepping aside. You give them both a nod before simply walking past them into the cave. The suggestion spell would wear off in a little while, but the guards wouldn't think anything about letting you through. You were home free. It was too easy. Walking down into the tunnel of the cave you notice it slope down into the earth before turning. Going around the turn you spot a massive palisade wall blocking your path with a wooden gate. The gate is slightly ajar though and you don't see any guards.
Looking at it oddly you simply walk up to the gate and slip through. You are a little startled by a sleeping guard on the other side though who wakes up as you practically trip over him. He looks startled and reaches for a crossbow next to him.
What do you do?