The Family Decides to Play a Board Game Together

From Create Your Own Story

Condition Tired Apparel and Items: Fresh Diaper
Day, Time Some Day, Early Morning
Need to Bathroom Morning Need
Level of Humiliation None

"Oh! Let's play a board game like we always used to!" their mom suggested cheerfully.

"Umm, okay." Kevin said, half-assed in his child accent.

"What should we play?" Emily asked.

"Wait." their father said with a hand raised "I have been waiting to play Monopoly for almost three years now! We are playing monopoly!"

"But they are too young to play alone!" their mother pointed out since Katie was a mere 2 and Emily 6.

"Well, Kevin and Emily can team up, Katie you can join your ol' father and your mother can solo." her father said.


"Sounds good!"

"Aww, I want Katie too!" her mother said with a whimper.

"Wait your turn, maybe the next game we play!" her father replied "Now Katie come take a seat on my lap!"

Katie grumbled and took a sidelong glance at Kevin and Emily who smirked back. Katie then downgraded herself to sitting in her father's lap.

Monopoly - Katie Has to Go to the Bathroom

Monopoly - Katie's Dad Accidentally Gets an Erection to the Embarrassment of Them Both

Monopoly - Neighbors Are Invited to Play With Them

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