
From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 1: Seventeen Inches

"One more with your legs further apart... you know, stretches are important" I smirk as I sit in the chair behind her, my cock standing tall.

She smiles and does as I say, slowly stretching to touch her toes before pulling down her panties in that awkward position.

"Hey now, going and suddenly presenting yourself like this... What is a man to do?" I sigh as I stand up, my condom covered cock pressing against her slit.

She is nervous, understandable but I must help her let go of such fears.

I plunge my cock head into her pussy, she bites her bottom lip and shudders as it sicks further.

"M-make it quick... I have to pick up my daughter soon from ballet- Ahh~ At 3" She groans as the cock sinks even further.

I thrust forward, hitting her cervix with half my cock still remaining outside.

"You're keeping secrets from me, you never told me about your daughter... how old is she?" I say as I pull back slightly before ramming forward

Her lips tremble as I begin rhythmically thrusting back and forth.

"She is 18... Ah~ B-b-birthday last week... don't do this" She moans as she begins to lose herself

I find this very interesting, there is another 30 minutes or so before 3 o'clock so this leaves fresh meat available.

"18 huh? That means you were a young teen mommy, unless you were lying about the whole being 32 thing" I say as I give her slap on the ass as I thrust back and forth.

I move her to the wall, being forced to her tip toes

"I hurts so good..." she begins to say as my cock tries to force itself against the cervix

She begins panting like a dog with her tongue out as I bash her sensitive spot without a care.

After finding out about her daughter I could care less about this woman, but it is manners for a man to finish what he starts.

I clench my teeth as my first load jets to the end of the condom rapidly filling it until it pops, she begins screaming in pure orgasmic ecstasy as I fill her gut until it bulges a little with semen.

As I slide out I spit the last little bits of my load over her back and the wall she is against.

I peel the broken condom off and lay it on her ass.

What is next?


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