Tell Emalia that you'll put your penis inside her instead
From Create Your Own Story
"Yes," Emalia says. "Yes! I'd rather be taken by your penis than by your foot."
You slide your foot out of her pants and pull her clothes off. You linger at her breasts for a moment, teasing her nipples until they're fully erect, then you lay the gypsy down on the floor and spread her legs. Her fuzzy bush glistens with moisture. Despite her protests, you've really turned her on.
You poke your prick into her fuzzy bush, find her slit and push your way into her. The gypsy moans and lifts her ass off the floor to take you in deeper. It feels so good having your penis inside her hot hole...
You pull out and thrust in, making her moan louder. Her pussy is very juicy, allowing you to pump her good and hard. You kiss her lips and squeeze her tits while she wriggles with pleasure beneath you. You fuck her and fuck her, ramming and slamming her hard and fast.
The gypsy cries out as she cums. She bucks writhes wildly beneath you, pounding her fists against the floor and kicking at the air. Her orgasmic shuddering carries you over the edge and you spurt and spurt inside her.
You finally go limp on top of her.
Do you:
Status | ||
Health | Horny | Location: |
MP | 0 | |
Level | 4 |