Take it to his room(IE/WF)

From Create Your Own Story

You pick them up unsure of what to do but eventually you decide to take it up to him. As you reach his door you can hear the shower running, not wanting to disturb him you quietly open the door and step inside you're just about to put his suit down on the dresser when you hear a noise behind you, you turn and see him walking naked out of the closet towelling his hair and face he hasn't seen you yet but it’s only a matter of time. Your eyes are drawn down his body and for a man his age he looks pretty fit other than a slight paunch, but it's his cock that as drawn your attention the deep ebony of it in stark contrast to the white of his pubic hair the size of it also shocks you lying soft against his thigh, it's already twice the size of your late husband's fully erect cock in both length and thickness.

Do you?

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