TFA: A giant cargo is swallowing the ship!

From Create Your Own Story

"A cargo us pulling us inside! " Finn screams to Rey

"Shit!" Rey whispers as she puts her clothes back on.

You all meet in the middle of the ship, asking yourself what to do. Then Finn gets a great idea: filling the ship up with toxic gas coming from the hyperdrive tank and hide in the ship with gas masks. You do as he says and soon everything is ready. However, the door opens and you hear stepping noises coming your way. A quick listening to their steps learns you that they are two, and one of them is heavier than it’s counterpart. Really heavier.

Just as you are about to tell your friends this information, the trapdoor over your head opens!

You are caught! It’s...

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
The Force Awakens

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