TBE: Let the men have their way

From Create Your Own Story

Normally, you would struggle, fight, scream, yell, kick, and scream some more. But the beating you took has left you weak. The best you can manage is a weak grunt as Willy slides his enormous cock into your tight, virgin pussy. From the beating you took last night, that seems to be the only place where you weren’t sore. Willy is far from gentle, and you feel pain as his huge, thick rod is shoved into you. You try to relax, and let this man rape you, hoping if you’re quiet and still, he will finish quickly and be done.

Your pussy is one fire as Willy shoves in and out of your body, grunting as he does. Spit from Willy’s open mouth lands on your face, and you turn away, closing your eyes, and try imagining being somewhere else.

Suddenly, hot, wetness fills your pussy, and you realize that Willy has cum inside you. He thrusts weakly, jerking in and out of you, as he finishes taking his pleasure from you. He pulls his cock out, and you can see a mixture of fluids and blood on his shaft. He grins down at you, and reaches out to squeeze one of your small breasts roughly.

“There’s a good lassie,” Willy says. “Your turn Ted.”

Willy replaces Ted, holding your arms down, but you wouldn’t do anything at this point anyhow. You are broken, and have no will in the matter. You simply watch, as if you’re someone else, far away from this place.

Ted’s cock appears to be in just as good shape as Willy’s, in that it likely has a couple of unique diseases. He’s smaller than Willy, but that’s small consolation. Willy has already torn your inside, and Ted’s cock scrapes and grates as he grunts and shoves himself inside you.

Hot tears flow down your face as Ted finishes, adding his own cum to that of Willy’s. Ted buttons and buckles himself up, then he pulls out a dirty, nicked, and rusty knife. Willy chuckles as his rough hands squeeze at your wrists.

Despite its condition, the knife slices easily enough over your throat, cutting a ragged line through your jugular. Your eyes go wide, first with pain, and then with coughing and gagging as fluid fills your lungs and you begin to drown. Willy holds your arms through the entirety, as you slowly drown in your own blood.

Maybe you shouldn’t have been so passive?

THE END . . .

Unless you’d like to try again . . . Do you:

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