Step outside.

From Create Your Own Story

"They" probably won't kill you, so you step outside like you are friends with them.

"Who are you?" They ask.

"Umm... I don't know how I got here but, I thought I might...err... join you guys..." You say nervously.

"Well that's great." They say, "You wouldn't believe--"

One of them nudges the other. They whisper something... You can't hear.

"Oh right, I knew that." One of them shrugs, "Welcome! My name is George, and here is Lance."

"Yo." Lance nods.

"As you can see, that little blue boy is an "alien"!" George says.

"You mean...You guys hunt aliens?" You ask, "Don't you think people would think you're crazy?"

"Heck no!" Lance says. "Don cha worry bout dat! We got da poof here!" He points at the alien.

"He's just an ordinary boy...He looks like he's painted...Noone would believe you..." You explain.

"Oh shit..." Lance puts his hands on his head, "You got a poin dere."

"Knock it off will ya!" George punches Lance's shoulder, "We found him with anttenaes and 3 stalked eyeballs!"

"Oh riiiiiiiight!!!" Lance cheers.

Suddenly, a triangle spaceship comes outta nowhere and anttenaed, 3 stalked-eye aliens come out.

Run for your life!

Shoot 'em!

Health  ??? Equipment:

Ak47, Ak47 Ammo

Energy  ???
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