Short Bursts/Horror/Pursuit/Dismembered/Otherworldly

From Create Your Own Story

"I only came here to get out of the rain."

You shiver violently.

"I only wanted to get out of the rain!"

You cough, lungs burning, legs screaming in pain.

You can still see it, your boyfriend, blood everywhere. The terror in his eyes.

"Just to get out of the rain..." you mumble.

You stagger off into a lurching run, legs screaming to stop, but knowing that to stop is to die.

Rooms stand empty as you pass them, lurching down the hallways. An old, abandoned shipyard, massive rooms, massive halls. Your eyes scan frantically, trying to find any sight of it. Praying you do not, that you can find your way out.

A screeching of nails on metal hits your ears.

Shit, not that way!

You were sure the exit was that way, but you know that you cannot get out. Not past the thing. You need to find another way, so it cannot find you.

His last moments again flash through your head. Him yelling at you to run, grabbing a large stick. He swung it, hitting the snarl, the snap. That is all you could call it, snarl and snap. A thing of teeth and claws, of snarls and snaps. An ugly, grotesque mass of limbs and teeth and fur.

You screamed as your boyfriend tried to hit it, the blows he landed not doing anything to stop as it barreled down on him.

So full of snarl.

So full of snap.

He screamed as it reached him...

You are brought abruptly to the present, looking with forlorn eyes at the room you ran into.

Nothing here. No way out.

You look up, high above, windows. But no way to reach them.

You turn back, running the way you had came, turning once you find another hallways, another intersection. Off to the left, you hear chitters.

So, they do more than snarl and snap, you think to yourself, chuckling under your breath as dark humor takes you. Maybe I have gone mad.

Tripping over debris, you land face down against the floor, bits of glass and concrete chunks digging into your flesh. You scream, then immediately clamp your mouth shut, biting your tongue.

Idiot! No sound! You clamp your mouth shut, trying to stop breathing, to keep yourself from crying out as you claw your way off the ground, groping along the wall.

A vision of his last moments hits you, reminding you of why you need to be quiet, to get out. Before you end up like him.

The thing hits him, knocking him down. It skitters to the side of him, grabs his hand in its teeth and claws, and pulls. You can hear the sound of it, the sound of his arm being ripped out. You throw up as he screams, throat wrenching, ear piercing. His pain reverberating in that scream. The creature skitters to his other side...

The claws sound different this time. Softer.

You run back the way you had came as you realized it got around you, was trying to come from the other directions.

Please please please not me not me not me, repeats over and over in your mind, adrenaline helping to keep your body moving past the point of complete exhaustion.

Where's the door, where's the door, "Where's the FUCKING DOOR!"

Your own voice startles you, thoughts becoming words, shouting out at the end.

Shit shit shit shit shit... Your mind feels like it is stuck on a loop, just repeating the same word over and over again.

The creature lunges in from the other side,grabbing his other arm, another wet rip as your boyfriends other arm is torn out of its socket, completely separated from him.

You run, blindly now, wanting to get away. Just to get away.

The room flys around you.

Why is the room flying? You think to yourself, mind unable to grasp what is happening.

Your side hurts, breath no longer wanting to come.

You crash against a wall, your sight growing dark for an instant, then returning.

You lay there, desperately trying to pull a breath. A scream escapes as sweet air finally fills your lungs. The air so sweet, but the pain almost more than you can bear. It feels like your ribs have been shattered, and every breath sends sharp pain through your entire body.

You claw your way away from the wall, trying to get away. At the other end you see it, teeth and fur, claws and violence.

It approaches you as you try to stand, fall, stand again, Finally you start into a shambling run.

It does no good. You see it from the corner of your eye, jumping at you. A new pain flares as you feel your leg pulled. Hard. So hard it is ripped from the socket, flesh ripping as it is pulled with extreme force. You look down and see nothing where your leg once was.

You collapse, but try in vain to crawl away, hands grasping for purchase, dragging you forward. Too slowly.

You see it lunge in again, feel as your other leg is separated from your body.

You lose consciousness.

Awakening again, you vaguely notice that the snarl has also ripped off your arms, and you can feel the blood trickling down your side as its teeth sink into your side, biting, ripping, clawing. You mercifully lose consciousness again as it continues to feed on your body. You never awaken again.

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