Say "fuck it" and get in the shower with him.
From Create Your Own Story
You get into the shower with your dad.
With lust and hormones raging inside you, you opt to go for it. Hell, what guy could resist a blowjob? Hell, he may even be so hard up he may stick his cock in you. The thought sends a chill up your spine and your cock aches for it.
You quickly pull your shirt off, unbutton your shorts, and drop them and your boxers into a pile in the floor.
You take a deep breath, and in one fluid motion you pull the shower curtain back and step in. Chaos ensues.
"What the FUCK?" your dad asks you while wiping the water from his eyes. Not even waiting for a response he continues, "C-Cole?" Thinking fast, he grabs the shower curtain and covers his body. "COLE? What the FUCK are you doing in my shower?" he yells out, his deep voice echoing around the small space.
You cannot answer him, only cover your increasingly flaccid penis with your hands.
You take a side-step to get out, but miss and tumble head-first out of the shower, hitting your head pretty hard on the floor. As you slip from consciousness, you see the blurry figure of your dad drop the curtain and rush over to you.
The pounding in your head is the first thing you feel as you come to. You reach a hand up to where it's throbbing, only to touch cloth. Gauze, more likely. You struggle to get your eyes open. Your back in the backseat of your dad's truck. You do not have the energy to see if your brother, Captain Asshole is there. A flash of memories flood you, as you realize what you've done. Your cheeks burn bright red, as you tuck your head back in your folded up arms. You know this will be a moment you will not soon forget, nor live down.