Put more obstacles in the path of the prisoners
From Create Your Own Story
You turn to Holiday, "Corporal," you say, "I think we should --"
The corporal's face turns pale as he points at the screen. You stop speaking and look.
An enormous white form is hovering over the now motionless women. Sarah and Michelle are staring up at it, seemingly hypnotized. Then, to your horror, a misty substance emerges from both women's mouths and starts to get sucked upward into the form.
As you watch, the transfer proceeds faster and faster. Then, as if it was completed, the transfer stops. Both women fall to the ground, toppling like felled trees.
You and the corporal race to the scene. He puts his hand on Sarah's neck. "Dead as a doornail." Michelle is the same way.
You look up and the white form starts drifting away, quick as a cloud. Did the whatever-it-was just suck out the souls of the women?
Holiday looks at you. "What now, General?"
You are possessing: |
Military Prison Commandant |