Pump the green-haired girl’s ass and French her

From Create Your Own Story

Her shit-chute is warm and velvety and it grips your cock so tight you’re not sure you could pull completely out of her ass even if you wanted to. It take a bit of work to pump her, but it's certainly worth it.

“Oh my god, Stacey,” she says into her cell. “This guy is so totally ass-fucking me!”

You let go of the strap so you can pull her in for a deep kiss, preferably with tongue. Your lips are about to touch hers when she knees you in the groin. Your dick pops out of her ass as you double over in pain.

"Excuse me, but I'm trying to have a conversation here!" she says loudly.

You drop onto the floor of the bus and she kicks your legs, repeatedly.

"Sorry about that, Stacey," she says. "Really, can you believe that? Yeah, like I can kiss someone and talk at the same time. Honestly, some people..."

She keeps kicking you. She doesn't even bother to pull up her shorts. You stumble off the bus in order to get away from her. You find yourself standing in front of the mall.

Do you:

Health Horny Location:

The Mall

MP 0
Level 1
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