Pull it out from the dirt it lies under

From Create Your Own Story

You reach down and pick it up.

It doesn’t take you long to ascertain that the object you’ve pulled from the dirt is a highly polished sword with decorative script running along the length of the blade and an elaborately jeweled hilt and pommel. A sword such as this would be ceremonial and never used in actual combat, not that you knew much of either ceremony or combat. You wonder how it got… here.

You frown at the script on the blade. Being an illiterate peasant they seem as foreign as… well a foreign language would be. Then your ‘Aha’ moment arrives and you state as much, “Aha!”

You bow your head in prayer and ask the Lord to grant you understanding, and then add a small bit in there about your dog, asking that he may feel better and forgiveness for leaving him. Amen.

You look at the script running along the blade of the sword again… much better. You read it out load for no one to hear, “Whoso Pulleth Out This Sword from this Dirt haseth a pretty good shot at becoming-eth King of…” And that’s how it ended… Whomever engraved the sword must have needed a longer blade you surmise.

You think for a moment and come to the conclusion that you need some further perspective.

Do you:

Go to the wisest peasant you know for advice… your Grandpappy


Take the sword to the nearest pawnbroker at ‘Ye Olde – but Still Goode’

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