Piggy's Day/This is not good for the environment

From Create Your Own Story

Piggy: "Hey, wait a minute..."

You look down at the marlin, struggling to breathe, its throat bleeding from the hook it just ate.

Piggy: "I couldn't sell you for a car. Not even a smart car. You, my massive friend, ARE nature."

You pry the hook out from the fish's throat, and slide the silvery creature back into the ocean.

Piggy: "Be free, you oversized can of tuna!"

You go home and vow to never eat fish again. However, whales don't count as fish, so you start substituting fish with them. After a few years, PETA has tracked you down as the single person responsible for causing the blue whale to be endangered again. You recieve a massive fine for crimes against nature. For your misfortune, you curse all marlins in the ocean. You, however, don't know how to do curses, and trying to draw blood for a sacrificial ritual, you cut off your arm and die of blood loss.


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