PN/17/Ask to go to his room (open curtains, beach nude)

From Create Your Own Story

You consider his words for a second and decide he's right. This is way too crazy, you don't want to get arrested! You do want to have some more fun though, so an idea pops into your head.

You look and him and ask, "You are right, I don't want to get in trouble. Thank you sir for the warning. May I come back to your room with you?"

His eyes just about pop out of his head, "My room!? What for!?"

"I was going to go to beach, but now I can't. I don't want to be bored on vacation and you seem like nice man, so maybe we can hang out? I will go put clothes on first if it's okay?"

Does he reject your request? He's not willing to take a risk with you. Does he accept your request and ask you to get dressed first? He is intrigued, but doesn't want to get in trouble. Does he accept your request and ask you to stay naked? He is willing to take a chance to spend more time with a naked teen.

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