Out of the woods behind a nearby house
From Create Your Own Story
Status: Naked and Relaxing
You tentatively emerge from the woods and approach the back of the house. The back door opens, and a man and a woman emerge. They appear to be about your age.
"Hello there," the man says with a smile. "Come on over."
"Don't be shy," the woman adds. "We don't bite."
You walk over to the door and enter the house. "What's your name?" asks the woman.
You tell her. "I'm Julie, and this is my husband Rob," she explains. She sits you on a comfortable sofa. "Are you hungry? Thirsty? Welcome to our humble abode."
"A drink would go down well," you reply.
"We have water, juice and tea," Rob smiles. You ask for water, and Rob gets you a glassful. You drink half of it down immediately and put it on the end table. Rob and Julie come over and sit next to you.
"So what were you doing wandering around naked?" Julie asks, giggling. You tell her about your day.
"My cousin lives in those apartments," Rob tells you. "It'll be another 2-3 days before the a/c is fixed. We'll be glad to let you stay here until then."
You smile. "Thank you."
Julie puts her arm around you and lightly kisses your neck. "Want to play a bit with us? Our bed can easily hold the three of us. Or we can let you relax a bit."