
From Create Your Own Story

There's no such thing as surprises with you. You see Vanessa pick up the knife, and take your left hand from her throat, pressing harder with your right across the front of her throat, and you snatch the knife from her hand. You smile and laugh, staring into her eyes.

"My, my, Vanessa! What's this? Are you trying to kill me, perhaps?" You laugh again. God, this whole situation seems so funny. "Uh-uh. The pleasure of the kill is all mine today. And don't look so betrayed! I'm doing you a favor, you know. I'm just saving you the trouble of living life without me." Noticing her eyes beginning to glass over, you loosen up with the pressure in your right hand to allow her to get just enough air to stay conscious.

"W-withou-?" She manages to squeak a few letters out before you bring the knife in your left hand up to her face, causing her to shut her eyes and wince.

"Yes, without me. See, after I'm done here, I'm taking care of myself, too. Got a noose ready for me back at home. It's such a pretty thing, you know. I read guide after guide on proper knot tying, and I'm sure it'll all pay off in a few minutes." You laugh yet again, seeing the worry and fear in her eyes. "Aww, don't worry, I'll make sure you go pretty quickly. If you're lucky, you'll be dead within the next 30 seconds."

Boy, does that really set her off. She begins to squirm and tries to scream, but you press your hand back to her neck. After you choke her a little, she stops trying to scream and instead glares at you with a hate and fear that actually surprises you. Regardless of how you feel, you must do what must be done. You move your right hand and quickly place the blade of the knife along her jugular. You give her a final smile, wipe a tear from the side of her eye, and slit her throat. Immediately you step back as she scrambles to cover the massive gash in her neck as if there was a way to stop the bleeding. You'll admit, the gurgling sound Vanessa's making is quite disturbing, but it too amuses you. Vanessa quickly expires while listening to who she thought was her best friend laugh.

You know it's useless to even bother cleaning the mess up and trying to make it less obvious it was you, since you're not going to be alive by the time anyone finds Vanessa. This is it, it's done. There's just one last thing to do...

Go home.

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