Make Katie eat her out

From Create Your Own Story

Condition Excited Apparel and Items: Too-Small Black Top
Day, Time Friday, at the Football Game, Halftime
Need to Bathroom None
Level of Humiliation 50% From Samantha pussy on her mouth

Samantha didn't wait for an answer from the crowd. She moved her body forward until her pussy was in line with Katie's mouth. She lowered her pussy down until it was hovering Katie's face.

"Open," Samantha said. When Katie didn't respond she slapped her face. Katie's lipped opened into an 'o' shape.

Samantha slammed her body down. Katie's lips were pressed up against Samantha's pussy.

"You bite," Samantha warned. "You die! Now use that tongue of yours."

Katie uses her tongue

Katie doesn't use her tongue

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