Machine of Magic/Go to buy spices from a caravan
From Create Your Own Story
You head out for the day, assuming you won't be back until it is time to prepare the evening meal. The day turns out to be a good one, sun shining in the sky but not overly bright and birds singing into the wind. You pass a couple of people along the main street, greeted with a polite nod or a 'good day'. Salbany was not a large town, with only a handful of buildings on the only road going right on though but it was at least a polite one.
As you start to walk on, you see the carriages of the caravan parked some fifty meters off the main road. There were two horse drawn carriages in total, probably two families of roaming traders by the look of things. A small fire takes place as the center of the camp, with the two carriages parked around it, the horses roaming in a makeshift paddock.
As you approach, you see the auburn hair of a girl bobbing around in the back of a bunch of crates. Moving closer she looks up, half startled before seeing your non-threatening form casually walking over to her. An excited hand is stuck up, waving in the air. "Hello there!"
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