Life as a good little girl/Find another way in
From Create Your Own Story
Deciding to look for a way in you dash around the corner of the house, looking at the windows as you pass. None of them have been carelessly left open, darn it.
The backyard is pretty much like the rest of the house - unkept. Weeds sprout unchecked, bushes grow thick and wild. The only signs of civilization back here are a few chairs with piles of bottles next to them and a lone lounge chair your mom uses for tanning. Suntan oils sit on the table next to it, along with sunglasses and a novel. Your mom likes to read out here while she works on her tan, apparently not caring that there's an apartment building right behind the house full of people who could be looking out at her in her bikini.
Shrugging off the thought you look for a way in, and immediately spot a basement window that isn't completely closed. It's inside a cramped window well that hasn't been cleaned in ages, much like the basement it leads to.
Suppressing a shiver you remember that the last time you went down there you got lost among the piles of boxes and junk that your step-father hoards. Then an army of roaches came swarming out of the piles and you ran for the rickety stairs like a complete chicken. Looking down at yourself you realize you'd probably have to take off your new clothes since they'd get filthy if you wore them down there.
Thinking about it you look for more ways in and spot the doggy door. It's ironic that your step-dad has a tiny little door like that when he has a dog that's bigger than you are. The idea that Satan was once small enough to fit through it boggles your mind. You're not even sure you could fit, if it was even open. Thinking of Satan makes you shiver. The big mangy, mean-spirited dog always growls at you, and you don't relish meeting him if no one else is at home. He hasn't bitten you yet, but there's always a first time.
Life as a good little girl/Go through the basement
Life as a good little girl/Try to squeeze through the doggy door