Keep running and go inside his house (Laying on back)
From Create Your Own Story
He does not stop and you soon hear the slam of the back door on his house as he escapes inside. You feel an odd combination of emotions. Somewhat happy to be in private again. Disappointed that your callout ruined any potential fun. Demotivated that he didn't want to stay and keep looking at you. Aroused that he saw you completely naked, even your pussy. Anxious that he has pictures of you naked.
He's only right next door and you are sure he's home alone, maybe you could go over there? Maybe if he knows you aren't mad, he won't try and hide.
Then again, maybe it is best to just forget him. It could be too risky, what if he tells anyone?
Do you decide to stay in your backyard? Even with your fan gone, the sun still feels good on your skin. Do you decide to go inside? You're a bit shaken by the excitement, it is time to go inside. Do you decide to go to Eric's house? You want to pursue these knew feelings and see what happens.