Katie Accident in Art - Katie feels stomach pains

From Create Your Own Story

Condition Fine Apparel and Items: Skirt, Shirt, Panties, Sneakers
Day, Time Friday, Afternoon
Need to Bathroom Strong urge
Level of Humiliation Extreme

"My stomach hurts." Katie exclaims.

"We will only be a couple of minutes in the store. Stop being a pain." Katie's mother exclaims.

Both women enter the grocery store. Then Katie lets out a fart as they enter. Katie grabs her ass and realizes she needs to poop.

"Mommy, I must find a bathroom! I need to poop really bad." Katie cries.

"Okay honey, I will ask." Katie's mother says.

They walk over to a stock boy and ask where the bathroom is. He points them in the right direction. They hurry to the restroom.

Katie Accident in Art - The bathroom is locked

Katie Accident in Art - The bathroom is open

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