Katie's Punishment Involves the Entire Party

From Create Your Own Story

Condition Nervous, Embarrassed Apparel and Items: Buck Naked
Day, Time Saturday, Evening
Need to Bathroom A Little
Level of Humiliation Humiliated

"I hope you don't think your punishment is over Katie," Samantha's grin gave katie a terrible feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"Please don't, haven't you humiliated me enough?" Katie pleaded, but it was clear everyone was enjoying her humiliation far too much to stop now.

"Sorry Katie, but rules are rules" Samantha shrugged, clearly not upset at Katie's treatment whatsoever.

"But..." Katie tried to object, but she was cut off quickly.

"No buts," Samantha barked sternly, but her voice returned to normal soon, and her grin returned along with it "and if you don't listen, we'll tie you up to the mailbox for everyone to see and play with."

Katie gulped, she had no choice but to comply or she'd suffer something worse, she nodded hesitantly.

"Good girl, now first, I want you to masturbate on the beer pong table."

After Katie was done, she was...

Spanked by everyone

Forced to have an accident and stay naked for the rest of the party

Forced to give Mike a blowjob

Tied up outside because she refused

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