Katie's Camping Trip - She wakes up badly sunburned

From Create Your Own Story

Condition Embarrassed and Naked Apparel and Items: Baby Oil
Day, Time Afternoon
Need to Bathroom A little
Level of Humiliation Highly embarrassed

Katie woke with a start. She wasn't sure how long she had been asleep, but the sun seemed to be pretty low in the sky. Her mom and her sister were nowhere to be seen, and she began to get worried. That is, until she remembered she was naked.


Katie clamped her arms over her breasts and crotch, and immediately regretted her decision.


She recoiled in pain and looked down. She was completely sunburned! Everywhere the baby oil had been rubbed in,now was very sensitive. Every inch of her front was bright red, and hurt when she touched it. She turned around to see her backside, and was surprised to find that it had also been sunburned. As Katie tried to figure out what happened, she realized she was naked in the middle of nowhere alone, and she needed to get back to camp. She wasn't quite sure what she should do, as she hoped someone would be back to get her. Surely they wouldn't just leave her naked and alone. However, the longer she stayed, the larger the chance of being seen by strangers. She thought about going back to camp, but realized she wasn't exactly sure which way led back to camp.

After contemplating her choices, she decided she would...

Katie's Camping Trip - Katie chooses to stay

Katie's Camping Trip - Katie goes back to camp (wrong way)

Katie's Camping Trip - Katie goes back to camp (right way)

Katie's Camping Trip - Katie gets discovered by a stranger

Katie's Camping Trip - Someone from Katie's family finds her

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