Katie's Camping Trip - A hiking trail

From Create Your Own Story

Condition Frantic Apparel and Items: Tube Top and Skirt
Day, Time Early morning
Need to Bathroom A little
Level of Humiliation Slightly embarrassed

Katie watched as they pulled onto a dirt road, and was confused when they parked in a small dirt lot in the middle of overgrowth.

"Are we camping here?" Katie asked.

"Of course not! We're hiking in!" her father announced.

As everyone got out of the car, Katie noticed the state of her bag.

"Oh, no! That bag had all my stuff inside it!" Katie lamented.

"Well, we're roughing it as it is, but I guess we'll have to make sure that outfit lasts." her father explained.

Everyone was getting their bags unloaded and packed onto backpacks for easy transport. Katie began to wonder if they'd planned all this without her in order to mess her up.

"Katie, with all that skin exposed, you should put on some sun screen." her mother said.

Before Katie knew what was going on, her tube top was around her hips and her mom was rubbing her bare back. Katie wanted to protest, but no one was around. She resigned to her fate and let her mother massage the lotion into her skin. The embarrassing part came when she had to rub her breasts.

"Mom, I can do that myself." Katie argued.

"Nonsense, You'll either miss a spot, or get too carried away on a couple areas." her mother joked, tweaking Katie's nipples.

"Mom!" Katie cried.

The woman only smiled and continued to rub lotion over her upper body. Katie was surprised when her mother yanked both her tube top and her skirt to the ground in one motion, baring her entire body. Katie yelped in surprise, but her mother chided her to keep still, and so she let her mother further embarrass her by coating her legs and backside, leaving the most intimate area for last.

"Okay, Katie. You seem to want to be so mature. You can finish the last bit yourself." her mother said, tossing the tube of lotion at her.

Katie fumbled a it with her greasy hands. She managed to catch it and squirt a dollop of it into her palm. As she did so, her mother removed the clothes from around Katie's ankles.

"Mom, I need those!" Katie once again protested.

"You're covered in lotion, and this hike will take us out to the open sunlight, and you'll be sweaty in no time. You heard what your father said. We need to make sure this outfit lasts the week! So, you'll be hiking without it!" her mother said, packing Katie's only clothes into Emily's bag.

"But I'm naked! I can't hike naked! What if someone sees me? I can't go walking through there with no clothes!" Katie fumed.

"If you made sure your bag was securely closed, you wouldn't have to hike naked. Now either get with the program or I'm leaving you here with the car!" her mother delivered her ultimatum.

Katie hung her head, not believing her bare breasts, butt, and crotch were going to be ogled by who knows what kind of people during the hike. She nodded her head and began to rub the sunscreen on her mound. As she began to move her hand lower, it was at this time that a pair of hikers exited the trail in front of Katie! They were a young couple that seemed to be leaving after a trip of their own, and the sight they found before them wasn't exactly what they expected. Katie was too stunned to move, which kept her frozen in the position they found her in: hunched over, her hand working the lotion into the deepest crevice between her legs, her other hand was stretched outward for balance. Of course, this position made it look like she was some kind of pervert enjoying herself a little too much in the wilderness. Finally, after the hikers chuckled and left, Katie was able to resume her task, and found that her hand was now coated in something other than sunscreen.

"Katie! You ready yet?" her father called to her.

Katie quickly removed her hand and joined her family. They had transferred everything into heavy duty hiking backpacks. Everyone was wearing one, and Katie began to feel even more naked.

"Oh, do I get one?" Katie asked, hoping a backpack would give her a sense of cover.

"Oh, don't worry about that sweetheart!" her father said, because...

She Won't be Carrying Anything - completely exposed, Katie is unburdened by extra weight, and can get into many adventures before they reach camp

She'll be Carrying Their Water - she can't stray too far, as she makes sure everyone stays hydrated during the hike

She'll be Carrying Their Food - heavy and might attract animals of either domesticated or wild variety

She'll be Carrying Their Camera Equipment - No vacation would be complete without photos! The equipment is in 2 bags with shoulder straps. She has to carry them so that the straps cross over her chest, forcing her breasts to separate.

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