Karen/Have your crew boost you to high ground

From Create Your Own Story

Damien and Shania lift you up, and you grab the edge of the crate and roll on top of it. You stand up, Taser out, and scan the room... there he is! One shot, one kill.

"The lighthouse is ours!" you shout. You drop back down to the ground and quickly help Damien and Shania block the entrance with the crates.

"I have the ranged weapons," you say, "so I'll take the upstairs and snipe anyone who approaches. You two guard the lower half and when we're the sole survivors, we'll figure it out from there."

The hours slowly tick by, becoming first one day and then two. Finally, the last announcement before the end comes, the 6-hour announcement. "There are only 5 students left alive," booms the voice. "Karen Andrews, Damien Ryan, Shania Hart, Marie Carpenter and Zach Brach. The only non-danger zones are the lighthouse and surrounding area -- we have an update! As I speak, Marie has just killed Zach. We now have 4 survivors, one of who will be crowned champion of the first Battle Royale in the next 6 hours."

Character: Karen Andrews
Alive: 4 students
Hours Remaining: 6
Weapons Aquired: Taser, Uzi
Friends: Boy #12 Damien Ryan, Girl #2 Shania Hart
Kills: Tasha Kimes, Peter Earl, Danny Lei, Zeke Davidson

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