Insist that the frat boys get you a drink

From Create Your Own Story

You look back over your shoulder and see a decent looking college guy. Holding your almost empty glass up, you point towards the older men and say, "It's a good thing you got here now, otherwise those two guys would be the ones buying us drinks." The frat boy gets the hit and offers to get a couple beers for you and your friend.

He's back quickly, and the two guys are actually kind of fun. They don't sound like the brightest guys, but they can dance and seem really confident. Your fun starts to be short-lived after a few minutes of drinking that beer. You're feeling lightheaded, far too lightheaded for only two drinks. You're pretty sure the boys told you their names, but you can't seem to remember. After Amber stumbles into you, she complains of being dizzy, too. Something just doesn't seem right, and as the the frat boys help you stagger outside for some air, it hits you. You've been drugged.

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