I noticed some changes.

From Create Your Own Story

YOU: I noticed you tinkered around with some stuff inside me. Hope you didn't remove anything REALLY important.

You subtly point to your crotch to make your point clear.

THE ILLUSIVE MAN: No, you're still 100% Commander Shepard. I needed you exactly as you were when you defeated Sovereign- Only a Player Character could stand a chance against the Reapers, and it would've been a pretty lame game if you only lasted five minutes in.

YOU: The Reapers? They're STILL hanging around?

THE ILLUSIVE MAN: Yup, and the Council still has its head up its ass.

YOU: Some things never change. What do I have to do to convince them, drag a reaper in there and smush it in their faces?

THE ILLUSIVE MAN: No, they'd just call it a "Unusually large Geth Flagship".

You both chuckle.

THE ILLUSIVE MAN: But onto the real problem: We're at war, but no-one wants to admit it. Colonies have been disappearing. HUMAN colonies, the only kind that matters. We think it's the Reapers.

You say:

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