Hit her. We didn't come here to do this.

From Create Your Own Story

You don't wait around. While she's busy trying to lure you in, you charge her. You swing the flashlight around and hit her upside the head with it. She stumbles backwards, and you can see a nasty gash above her eye. You're struck dumb when she simply smiles at you, not going down unconscious, or dying, or whatever else you thought might happen.

Instead, she raises a finger slowly, licking at it with her tongue. "Noooo..." she says slowly. "....fuuuuck firstttt...then beat...." and she turns again, slowly, pulling up her skirt and bending over. You charge again, this time wrapping both hands around the flashlight, and clock the girl across the back of the head. She tumbles forward, slamming her face into the tile floor.

"Ha!" You call out, feeling victorious as you turn to do the same to the other girl. You're surprised to see her right there at your side. You're equally surprised when she reaches up and shoves the scissors she's holding through your throat.

You fall to the floor, bleeding spurts onto the floor with every beat of your heart. You pull the scissors out, and wrap your hand over the wound to stem the blood. The little blonde picks up your flash light, and proceeds to club you with it. Again and again. Until your eyes cross and you fade to black. Then she keeps going until she completely crushes your skull.

You should have left when you had the chance. You're the coward, not the hero.

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