Head toward the Island

From Create Your Own Story

What harm could you do by heading toward the island. So you barked out, "All speed toward the island!" Your crew soon started to rush about.

"This is on your head, captain!" said the sailor as he walks off.

"You made a wise choice, captain." said the Gretel.

Flynn didn't care of what choice it was. Either if it was wise or not. Any chance that gets him to that island. He'll take it, even if it cost him a lot of things in the process. He knew he was right. That the Unbounded Ocean held land, not an endless vast of ocean. This new world will out shine everything he has done in the past.

Until again, he snapped back into reality. As he watched most of all his efforts go down the hole.

-Several Hours Later...

It was a brutal fight against the tides of the storm. Most of the crew met their fate in their own watery doom of the Unbounded Ocean along with most of his ship. What was left of it. Was barely staying afloat. But what he did, got him to the island. A piece of land that prove his very own efforts that he was right all along. He would be living in paradise when he gets back to Sander Port. From here on then, he will live as a rich man. Most of his crew on the other hand weren't happy at all. They knew that the captain put their lives on the line and didn't cared about the precautions of the ship and the crew. Of course Flynn didn't care about, than he should have in the first place. Flynn eventually drew them closer to the island.

It was rather a strange with a feeling of discomfort finding even a piece of land. He knew what he was going to be bent on a will to confront whatever lived on that island.

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