Have you ever fantasized about having a threesome.
From Create Your Own Story
Cindy really seems to be getting into the game and the line of questions are growing more sexual by the minute so you decide to offer the answer a question even before Cindy really confirms she is going to ask you. For her part Cindy was putting out every signal that her focus was going to be you anyway, just from the look in her eyes and the fact that she is idly toying with a nipple through her jumpsuit. "Tell us Stacy.., ever thought about having a threesome?"
Fuck baby.., I have had more threesomes then most women have had sex. You think to yourself, suppressing a giggle as you realize just how vanilla your sex life has gotten since you got married and had kids. "Sure sweetie..., I love pussy just as much as cock so what's better then a threesome to get my hands and mouth on both." Tyler nearly falls off his chair and you hear Cindy let out a low, throaty moan. You decide to push the point just a tad farther. "In fact I have been kinda of fantasizing about a threesome since we started playing this game." You say seductively, leaving both mother and son speechless.
As they try and find their voices you choose:
- Have you ever kissed a girl?
- Do you think I am beautiful?
- What do you think is the best about my body?
- I dare you to take off your shirt and flex for me and mommy.
- I dare you to give mommy a big, movie style kiss.
- I dare you to come over here and squeeze my tits.
- I dare you to show me your cock.
- How old were you when you first let a boy touch your boobs?
- Have you ever thought of some one else while having sex with your husband?
- Have you ever tongue kissed another girl.