Half-Elf Female Knight (Fantasy Creatures)

From Create Your Own Story

Your name is Ida Hecate. You've wavy, blonde hair, sea-blue eyes, and a fit, strong body. You were born from the forbidden love of a young noblewoman and a visiting elf. An only child and a bastard, you were your mother's only love and yet a horrible smudge on your family's otherwise pristine reputation. When you came of age, your grandfather had you kicked from your house, much to your mother's dismay. Despite your status as a half-elf, you managed to get in with the Knight's Order due to your noble heritage. You've been there for two years now as a Recruit.

You're lying down on a thin bedroll in a dark tent. You're wearing a just the leather armour that would usually go under your steel plate. It's snowing outside, and the cold is biting. You look over at the other two Knights you're sharing your tent with. Both are still awake, shaking in the cold.

"Damn, we're going to die out here!" you say. "How do they expect us to fight in the morning if we all freeze to death before then?"

Carter, a human boy just a year younger than you, rolls over to face you. "Ask Ser Crispus. He's the one leading this damn attack."

"I'm not gonna wake up our Captain just to complain about the cold."

"Oh, would you two shut up!" shouts the woman on Carter's other side.

"But we're going to be icicles in the morning, Hetty," replies Carter.

"Well, be a quiet fucking icicle!"

Hetty's older than you by a year or two. As a Ranger, she outranks you. She's always been a snappy sort of woman, but her stunning appearance has often afforded her a free pass. She has blue eyes same as you, but they're so much brighter. Her hair is curly and halfway between being blonde and being ginger. Her rosy cheeks are brighter in the cold. If it wasn't against the rules, you'd be certain every man in the Order would have tried to claim her. You're also pretty certain most would have failed.

"I have an idea," says Carter, breaking your train of thought. "We'd all be a lot warmer if we were all pressed up together. Y'know, to conserve our body heat."

"You did not just say that," retorts Hetty.

What do you say?

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